Clean Air Cab's path to becoming part of the solution.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Yours Truly, Clean Air Cab

First off, we appreciate all the feedback that we received. We don't just want to provide service, we want to provide service to our community and more specifically, you. In the next upcoming month we have several amazing service opportunities.

 In the Phoenix area, there is a hidden oasis. The Japanese Friendship Garden (formally named Ro Ho En) is a beautiful jewl in this desert region, combining both culture, and exotic greenery. It is the product of a non-profit organization that is in constant need of volunteers to maintain and share this treasure. Clean Air Cab is proud to announce that members of its Green Team will be volunteering as gardeners on Saturdays. This garden consists of more than 1,500 tons of hand picked rock, stone bridges, a 5/8 acre Koi pond with over 300 fish, a waterfall, and over 50 varieties of plants. If you would like to volunteer for this, or are interested in learning more, click the above link to be taken to the Friendship garden's homepage.

Additionally, Clean Air Cab is going to be an active supporter in the organization known as Treasures 4 Teachers. This organization's mission is to ensure that students and classrooms across the state of Arizona have the tools for learning; which is one that Clean Air Cab firmly stands by. On Thursday, November 17th, Clean Air Cab's Green Team will be dedicating their time to this cause. If you would like more information about this organization just click on the above link; to RSVP for this service project, or to learn about other causes you can become part of the solution to, click here.

We also look forward to donating our time to the Mesa Boys and Girls club. This year they are conducting a turkey drive for their Thanksgiving dinner on November 22nd, that will feed 300 families. If you would like to donate or have questions on how you can help, you can leave us a comment and we will get right back to you.

More opportunites are awaiting to be unfolded, and as always, we would love to hear your feedback. Let us know of any service opportunites that you are aware of, because Clean Air Cab is always willing to lend a helping hand, to become part of your solution.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Help us help you

Congratulations, Rebekah Layton! You won two free tickets to the ASU homecoming football game this weekend!

Steve Lopez, the owner of Clean Air Cab, with Rebekah Layton

We absolutely loved your picture. Rebekah managed to snag an upclose and personal shot of the Maroon & Gold ASU cab.
Isn't this cab beautiful? I know beautiful is an odd adjective to tie to a cab, but the infusion of color and purpose behind this vehicle make it an absolute gem.

Speaking of beautiful... Do any of you have a service project to beautify or better our community or a worthy organization? Clean Air Cab is here for the job, and the Green Team has stepped up to the plate to accept any challenges that any one needs help with. Community garden? Repainting a school? Volunteering time at a fundraiser or a hospital? We want to be part of YOUR solution; so please, tell us what we can do to help.

Additionally, if any of you have comments on our service or how we can more efficiently serve you, please let us know. We would love to hear what you have to say; just leave a comment below or like our Facebook page and start a discussion there.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Partnership with ASU

Did you know that Clean Air Cab is the proud partner of the ASU Sun Devil Athletic team?

you may have seen our spiffy Arizona State University designated cabs.... and probably did not even realize that they were cabs. These rides are so suave, that many people think they are just specialty ASU vehicles. Well...they are not, they exist to take YOU places while similtaneously creating scholarships for the university, because we care for this community.

During the ASU homecoming game this Saturday, October 29th, we would be more than happy to take you to and from the game so you don't have to deal with the parking, the mass exodus from the lightrail, or the chaos of getting to your next destination to celebrate the victory. You may even get to ride in one of our ASU cabs, it would be kind of like winning a cab lottery.

 pictured above is our glorious black ASU cab~ designed with your sports team in mind
Give 'em Hell, Devils!
Here is our second magnificent ASU themed cab
Maroon & Gold For the Win!
BUT WAIT, to thank you for choosing to be part of the solution, we are offering 2 free tickets to the ASU homecoming game. How do you get these two tickets? like us on Facebook and submit the best photo you have taken yourself of one of our cabs by 5pm on Thursday. Winners will be announced on Friday morning, so you can come by and pick up your tickets.

Good luck and may the best cab win!

Monday, October 24, 2011

From You, to Me, to You

With most people, the word "cab" has a negative connotation. "Cab" often triggers words such as "dirty," "theft," and "murder." For this very reason, one of the members of the Green Team did not tell her mother that she was working for one of those cab companies, until she had already been employed for nearly two months.
 It is actually a very comical story. Her mother does not live in the valley, and on one vacation she visited her daughter and happened to see a Clean Air Cab car while at a red light. She turned to her daughter and said, "That cab is the most darling cab I have ever seen." Her daughter then spent the next 30 minutes explaining to her mother that she worked for that company…..

I’m going to use this story as an analogy. While one does not think of a cab company as having any sort of real impact on society, perhaps we too need to be at a red light, and observe our surroundings to gain a new perspective and see the good one small, local company can bring to a community. Clean Air Cab has what we call charity cabs. One dollar from every ride in one of these charity cabs goes towards the charity sponsored on the cab. We do not place ads on our cars; people do not pay Clean air Cab money to have their business posted on the side. Our company is different, because we like to give money. We have a Susan G. Komen cab that runs year round, because we feel that the fight for breast cancer is every day, not just one recognized month. We have five Mesa United Way cabs, whose funding goes towards this community to make a difference HERE. It supports wonderful organizations such as Helen’s Hope Chest, to help clothe foster children because of budget cuts. We also have a cab that is for the Phoenix Children's Hospital, so we can give children a second chance at life.

In addition to these cabs, we have two new cabs that generate money for scholarships at Arizona State University. Do you know of any other cab company that can provide a future for your children and give them a chance at an education that they may have never achieved otherwise? Probably not~ because Clean Air is not your typical cab company. You give to us, and in return we give back to you.

The reason why we are not your typical cab company is entirely dependent on YOU. We offer a product, and you chose to use it. Because you chose us, instead another company, YOU planted over 5000 trees in Brazil, YOU brought jobs and opportunity to our community, YOU helped thousands of children battle childhood disease, YOU consumed less fuel than the year before, YOU raised $5,458 for breast cancer since 2009, YOU raised over $2,000 for the children’s hospital since April 2011, YOU are providing education opportunities, YOU are benefitting your community, YOU are actually being “green” and helping the environment instead of paying for a concept because of the vehicles we use and the fact that we have zero carbon footprint.

Ghandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

 You can be that change.

Be part of the solution.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Beginning

Hello on behalf of Beyond Green, the mother company to Clean Air Cab. We have made an executive decision to make a blog to allow you to explore the inner workings of our company and our intentions to better our community. We will have several writers on this blog, and as a result, our voice will change with each post; but regardless of the different nature of the writing styles, each post will be rich in community efforts and service. These writers will be known as 'The Green Team' and we want to join you in being part of the solution.